Arnold’s Farm grows a wide variety of produce and as we expand our young agricultural business by diversifying our own crops and evolving farming practices for a sustainable future, we continue to keep our patrons and community in mind by sourcing produce from other trusted NYS farms when necessary. This helps ensure the quality of the produce you receive by minimizing storage and transit times while still providing local produce, strengthening the local farm industry, and preventing food deserts in the local community.


Classic CSA Share (Great for a family of 4-6 people every week)

A mix of the freshest picks of the season, harvested at its peak and ready for pick up.  Members receive a weekly portion of produce based on individual share size and the seasonally available local produce.  Each share comes with a hearty portion of 5 to 10 different crops (depending on what’s in season).

14 weeks from Mid-June to September
$490 ($35/week)

Bi-Weekly CSA Share (Great for 2 people every other week)

The same portions as the Classic CSA Share, just every other week instead of every week.  You pick odd or even CSA weeks for picking up your share!  Perfect for those planning to travel or simply wanting to give CSA a trial run.

7 weeks from Mid-June to September
$245 ($35/week)

Bonus Offers For CSA Members ONLY!!!

  • No credit card processing fee for CSA members.
  • Special savings offer for returning CSA members:
    • TBD- Watch for Specials in Email

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Frequently Asked CSA Questions

What is a CSA?

CSA’s are a shared commitment between the consumer and the farmer. CSA’s were originally created by vegetable farmers who, in an effort to farm without incurring debt, began asking customers if they wanted to be “investors” in their farm for a share of the produce at harvest time. They offered different share levels and often required work in exchange for goods.

What is the CSA season?

Our CSA begins in Mid-June and continues through September.

How many people does a share feed?

This question likely depends on you and your eating habits. Our standard share typically feeds two veggie lovers for the week. We also offer an “every-other-week” share for the light veggie household or you can simply share your excess with a friend or neighbor.

Do you offer “half shares”?

Yes and no! We do not offer a typical half share, that is our standard share simply cut in half. Instead, we offer an “every-other-week” share; our standard share ready for pick up every other week.

What is seasonal eating?

Shopping in a typical produce section at the supermarket you will find fruits and vegetables year-round. This surplus is so common today that most folks no longer know what seasonal eating is. As a CSA member, you will reconnect with the natural food cycle.

Do you grow everything offered in your CSA share?

We grow a wide variety of our own produce and as we expand our young agricultural business by diversifying our own crops and evolving farming practices for a sustainable future, we continue to keep our patrons and community in mind by sourcing produce from other trusted NYS farms when necessary.

Do you offer special payment plans?

Single Payment –

Paid in full at time of member enrollment.    

Two Installments –

50% down payment due at time of member enrollment. 

Final payment due 14 days from initial payment. 

*Failure to make final payment by due date terminates CSA membership.

Please understand that you are committing to the growing season of this CSA and will share in the risks and rewards of that season. If you cannot finish the season, for whatever reason, you are welcome to reassign your share to another household. Arnold’s Farm does not issue CSA refunds . 

Is there a deadline for signing up?

We do not have a specific deadline. However, we do sell out of some share types and at some point, cut sales off, so sign up early. For those folks who miss the cut-off date we have a waiting list for our next CSA sign up opportunities.

What if I can't pick my share up at the arranged time or I simply forgot?

We ask our members to be prompt in picking up their shares. If you can not pick your share up on the designated day, we ask that you arrange to have a friend pick it up or make arrangements with us directly. If you simply forgot to pick it up, we will hold your share for an additional 24 hours. CSA shares that are not picked up beyond the 24 hour grace period will be donated to prevent waste and spoiling. Forgotten shares are your responsibility and we do not offer make up boxes if you simply didn’t pick your share up in a timely manner. Picking up your share is your part of the CSA equation.

I'm going on vacation! What should I do with my share?

Everyone deserves a vacation and you shouldn’t have to give up your CSA share to take one. If we know far enough in advance (at least a week out), we will issue a farm stand credit for that weeks amount to be used on produce at the farm stand.

Tips for being a good CSA member

  • Read your weekly newsletter via email or Facebook for CSA member information
  • If you can’t pick up your share, let a friend pick it up for you, or let us know and we’ll donate it to a person in need.
  • Bring Your Own Bag and help reduce waste.

If you have any further questions, please contact us directly Monday – Sunday, 10am-6pm.